Friday, November 4, 2011

light bulb..

I love how some days I feel completely fogged over and other days my mind is as crisp as a fresh fall apple!! Today is a crisp day!! I am sprung with numerous ideas and thoughts that are actually conceivable!! I mean this stuff totally motivates me!! Gotta say its a good day!

I must begin work on some of my 'plans' :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dropping in on frustration..

So, I sometimes feel like the world is spinning and everyone is moving but me. I feel like that time goes fast and I stand still. Ever have that feeling? I think I am completely losing it. :) Well not really I suppose, however I keep seeing in slow motions things happening to me that I tend to not realize is my reality. For example, I was preparing myself a protein shake about a week ago and put the lid on it and went to put it away when the lid slipped off and bamm! protein powder everywhere!!! I mean I saw it all happen like out of body. My MD so graciously fooled me into thinking that I had tightened the lid and then the slickness of the container slid right out of my hands. You see this is not just a weird scenario, this is my life whether I approve or not. More and more things are affecting my daily routine, I even have pain from writing or typing too much because my hands ache and are cramped up for hours afterwards. Strangely enough, I have yet to find another person with EDS and MD - Charcot Marie Tooth Disease. Finding 1 person in this world of 7 billion who can understand me would be worth more than a lot of people think!

I have a word of advice for any parent or grandparent out there. Whatever your case may be, whether you are healthy are constantly sick, please document ANY and I mean ANY thing that may have caused a death in the family or even illness!! I thought I knew everything about my family even after I talked to my living grandparents!!! Unfortunately, some things were forgotten and names were not documented and when I did find out more and more about my relatives and how much I had in common with them it was too late. Meaning most of my relatives had passed and anyone that could relate to me was no longer there to talk to. We have to keep the lines of communication open to our children and grandchildren!! I am not saying that knowing some things ahead of time would have prevented any of my diagnosis, but being able to talk to someone related to me who could give me positive advice would have been priceless!!!!

So please document illnesses or any other diseases!! :)

Thought for the day;

Control your thoughts; they may break into words at any time.