Monday, September 10, 2012

Breakfast Quickie....

I love a good breakfast, however I get easily bored with the same stuff. I have tried new things here and there and just have not had much luck on a good breakfast especially before I teach a class.

I received a bi-monthly magazine from Beverly International, if you are not familiar with the company they are an amazing supplement company for those wanting to go the next level in fitness whether it be weight loss, muscle gain or overall well being they have it!! Used by many competitors, their products truly outshine the rest and no I am not being paid to endorse them I truly believe in their stuff cause it works! Anyway, their magazine had a protein pancake recipe that sounded delightful. However being me, I tweaked it a little and made it my 'own', here is the recipe and enjoy because its a privilege to get info about my recipes!! I tend to hoard them from others! :)

2 - locally grown egg whites [if you cannot get locally grown use whatever you normally use]
1 - scoop of your favorite protein powder [I use vanilla or banana pudding flavor]
1 - stevia packet [preferably stevia because it is an alkaline product and all natural]

Egg whites, dash of water and protein powder combine with fork in bowl. Add in stevia and about a 1/4 tsp or less of cinnamon, mix and pour onto small skillet. Cook like a pancake. Remove and I like to use raw honey in lieu of butter [raw honey is alkaline and FILLED with lots of vitamins!] and then top it off with local real maple syrup [yes sugar content is a little high but again an alkaline product and just watch the portions]. Enjoy!

Easy and quick and good for you! You will be happy with the flavor and filled up to hit the gym hard!

Enjoy your day!

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