Tuesday, November 15, 2016


   I was driving to school last night with feeling of being on an island [not in a good way]. I felt far, far from friends far from life. I put on worship music and just really allowed the words to sink and stick. 
    Broken is what I heard over and over in my head. Was I broken? If so how? Is my mind broken? Is society broken? Is the world broken? Broken, broken, broken. That word haunted me all thru the night and just now I saw a post online and stood up walked right to the laptop and began to type.

   Will this blog post offend you? Not my intention. Will this post open your eyes? That is my intention. So what made me begin to type? A unthinkable and sick post of a person who had skinned their dog alive and took pictures to show others. That is what made me begin, but that is not the beginning.
Let's start smaller, I will use myself as an example. I come from a broken home, had broken relationships [friendships included], had broken promises/made and broke promises, was broke [literally and still am!], I live in a broken world, face broken religions and the list goes on. Being broken in any form doesn't mean you aren't fixable. It means you need fixed and may require others around you to assist you. Will you be the 100% again, probably not but you can get pretty darn close.

   If you break a tea cup, the pieces can be put back together but the cup is never the same. Maybe the cracks don't line up, maybe there was a small piece lost. Does it make it less of a tea cup? No, its a tea cup with flaws.

   Lets go a little bigger, the post I saw is my gruesome example now. The guy who did this unthinkable deed, wasn't born broken. His life has obviously taken him in dark directions I hope to never understand. Do I hope his broken butt ends up in jail, yes because he may not otherwise see or understand what he has done without consequences to his actions. But he's broken. Something happened and he never 'got fixed' or never had the support from others to get him back to a 'normal' [lightly said] state.

   Lets go bigger yet. Our society is like a big broken puzzle, a puzzle that pieces have been lost, pieces have been ate by the dog and pieces have been broken. The puzzle can come back together but it's never complete again because of the pieces gone or broke.  Each of us form society [whether we admit it or not], each of us bring to the table our piece of the bigger puzzle and we contribute what we have..big, small, broken, half chewed and all!

   We live each day as if we aren't broken or that we are so broken we need society to cater us forcing others to put their broken pieces down, to try and deal with those not pulling their broken weight. We are broken pieces people! Lets face it, it builds our character and that's okay. But it's not okay to force or make others feel inferior because of your personal brokenness.

  I am a believer in taking the piece I am dealt and making the most of it broken and all. Forcing others around us to take on that burden of our brokenness does society no good and as a matter of fact can make other people more broken then when they began. God wants us to come to him with our broken pieces, sometimes we can't see where our piece will fit in the bigger puzzle but he can. If we try to fit that piece in the puzzle alone it may end up in entirely the wrong spot from which he intends it to be.

  God is the only one that can repair the broken. He may bring people into our lives to do the work but only he can do it. We try to rely on our own strength and look at where it has gotten our society....no it's not ALL bad. We need to ask ourselves, are we making it better or worse with our broken piece of the puzzle...if the answer is worse then you need God to intervene and help you make it better. If your answer is better..then maybe God is seeking you out to help those who are broken around you.

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