Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Working out...Who has time for that??

  Hello I am Aimee and I am a workout junkie. I suppose there are so many other things I could be, like a junk food junkie or a reality TV junkie or maybe even a social media junkie. The reality is there are way worse things out there.

  I teach Tabata [high intensity interval style training] at the gym 3-4 times a week and I do DVD workouts 5-6 days a week. I usually keep this momentum 10 months out of the year. November and December really are struggle months because there is so much hustle and bustle going on with the holidays. I do get sluggish with my eating in those months too. Truth is, nobody is perfect and I am a 80% good 20% bad type of gal. What you eat in the winter shows up in the summer so be careful to not fall victim to those dreary months. Yes treat yourself but don't allow those treats to overtake your entire diet. If you struggle start writing or logging on your phone everything you eat in a day and you will be surprised how much accountability is in that action alone!

  With my diseases comes muscle loss, extreme fatigue, nerve loss and weight gain. Yes weight gain comes from being lazy, eating bad and age but throw my two diseases in and it's grounds for disaster if I am not careful. Why do I workout so much? Because my health depends on it. I love to workout so that helps but when your health literally depends on you to remain active that is a huge motivator.

  So this year I kicked it back old school and began the New Year with Brazilian Butt Lift from Beachbody. My problem area has always been the booty, hips and thighs and I was ready to conquer those for good! I purchased the program YEARS ago and completed it but it has since been sitting on a shelf. I was going to sell it but decided to give it one last whirl. To my surprise I was burning more calories and feeling better after my winter fog 2 month break.

 I completed the 'butt' program 1 1/2 times then a friend loaned my her 21-Day Fix Extreme program which is also a Beachbody program. This one KICKED me into mass overdrive, love hate relationship at its finest! Seriously how can you go wrong with 30 minute videos??

  I did the 21 Day fix program 2 1/2 times before I got in the mail the crazy 22 Minute Hardcore Corps by Tony Horton [yes from Beachbody]. Tony had my heart in fitness since P90X and P90X3. He challenges people, offers some cheesy humor and above all gets the job done. I am currently in week 2 of the 8 week program and I am literally crying out fat. Can you say burpees?? Or how about pushups and pull-ups? The videos are only 22 minutes long [warm up on your own and very short cool down at the end] and they are KILLER! "But Aimee, how could you possibly burn that much in 22 minutes?" Trust me, I average 250 calories in that short 22 minutes. You burn and you burn fast, your legs will scream on some days and your arms will beg for mercy on others. You've been warned!

  Truthfully, we all want to workout or at least be in shape. Our society has created such a fast atmosphere that we tend to put things like working out off to the side until it's too late. These DVD fitness geniuses have mastered shortening the time for people while still getting a very effective workout. I challenge you to find what works for you and go super HARDCORE in the amount of time you can dedicate!

Now go out and there and burn some calories...a quick gun show for you below hehehe...come on humor me!!

[Disclaimer..I am NOT a Beachbody coach nor am I affiliated with Beachbody in any way. I love the products and promote what I love]

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